trouble me the bourdon

Thursday, 22 January 2015

The minstrel's life

I've mentioned before the book Menestrellorum Multitudo: Minstrels at a Royal Feast (1978) by Constance Bullock-Davies. This collection of little snippets from the account books of Edward I & II provide all sorts of tantalising insights into the minstrel's life. For example:
[From a wardrobe book of 1305/6] 2s. to Martinet, the minstrel, for making his minstrelsy in the presence of the two young princes and for repairing his tabor, broken by them. By gift of the two princes. 12 July. Ludgershall.
The princes' interest in (and enthusiastic interaction with) drums seems to continue because in an entry on 18 November:
11d. to Martinet the Taborer,  for the repair of the little drums [tymbrium] of the King's sons and for money paid to him for parchment for covering same.
Later it appears Martinet brings along company to keep the princes at bay:
20s. to Martinet the Taborer and William and John the trumpeters, minstrels [of the] 2 [young princes] for making their minstrelsy in their presence on the Eve and the Feast of Epiphany. By gift of the princes. 5/6 January. Windsor castle.
The same Martinet is also mentioned as 'minstrel of hall and stable' when he is allowed 7 ells of cloth and 1 lamb's fur for his outfit.

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