trouble me the bourdon

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Costume vs. clothing

I suppose one reason that I find it hard to understand the anti-period costume view for 'serious' period music performances is that I personally feel quite at home in medieval costume, to the extent I'd rather call it medieval clothing.

After all, one has to wear something in a performance, and wearing something completely everyday - e.g. scruffy trousers and pullover -  does not seem right. But then if I am going to wear something 'good' (if not necessarily evening dress) or something studiedly 'neutral' (such as the all black that is favoured by many current classical musicians as the alternative to evening dress), I will be wearing something that is deliberately making some statement to the audience. 

So why not make that statement consistent with the music I am about to present?

Unfortunately, the reality is, that if I want to make the statement 'I am a serious medieval musician', then in the current climate it is almost obligatory that I don't wear medieval clothing.


  1. Thank you very much for the sharing! COOL.. 여성쇼핑몰

  2. This is one of the more interesting dilemmas with musical performance, I agree both extremes (the too modern all-black and the too accurate period clothing) have its downsides, but I thiiiink there can be a happy medium :) For some time now I've been collecting items that are modern but give a nod to the period whether in the cut, styling, or fabric, in a way that feels genuine. Here I go again talking to you as if 7 years don't separate your post and this comment XD I'd love to talk to you more about this, is there a way I could get in touch with you?
