trouble me the bourdon

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

More soon

Between work and travel, I haven't found time to update this blog as often as intended. So this is just a note to say there will be more soon! As writing on this blog is mostly a way to get myself to think and read more about medieval music, and in writing, to organise my thoughts, I won't be giving it up yet. But it would be nice to know if anyone is reading and finds particular topics of interest.

Otherwise, I am intending to follow up some the ideas about the application of  'rhetoric' to instrumental arrangement and performance of medieval tunes. There are many scholarly studies of the connection of rhetoric and music, and it is clear that canons of rhetoric were an important part of medieval learning and thought. But I want to take a more practical approach - are there rhetorical techniques and devices regarding construction and presentation of persuasive verbal arguments that can be directly used to improve the 'persuasiveness' of a musical performance?

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